What We Grow

Here at Third Root, we’re dabbling in a few different things. Here you’ll find a brief overview, so click on through to a more detailed page for anything you’re interested in.

Bull's Blood Beets
Bull's Blood Beets (Baby)


We’ll be growing a wide variety of vegetables on about two acres and some raised beds. Tomatoes, lettuce, peppers, plenty of herbs, and a lot more. Check out the veggies page to learn more about all of the plants that we’re growing on the farm.





Chickeny Birds


We’ve also got a flock of 24 chickens. With a wide variety of breeds, there are a lot of opportunities for entertainment. From the white crested Polish chicken that looks like an admiral to the game birds that were masquerading as campines to get us to love them, it seems like each breed has its own personality (and other delicious traits).






And finally, Nick is putting his apiculture class from Penn State to good use by keeping some bees (many thousand of them, in fact).